API Index
D.Collection API
D.Collection APIs can only be used by Cafe24-approved partners for developing marketing and ad services to help users increase sales in their Cafe24 store.
Information obtain through the APIs cannot be used for unauthorized purposes.
Cafe24 uses the Basic Auth based authentication system, the standard HTTP request method, easy-to-understand endpoint URLs, and HTTP code-based error messages for its D.Collection APIs.
Request Example (search)
Right response example
"resource": {
"key": "value",
"key": "value"
Error response example
"error": {
"code": "error code",
"message": "error message",
"more_info": {
D.Collection API Intro
Develop a service that allows users to boost sales of stores by retrieving store and product data that are part of the D.Collection program.
Retrieve a store :
Retrieve a product :{dcollection_product_category}
API Status Code
Code | Case | Solutions |
200 | When GET success | |
401 | 1) When you call APIs without an Access Token 2) When an Access Token is invalid 3) If a client who requested for verification has invalid permission | Check whether the request was made with a valid Access Token. |
404 | 1) When you call the wrong API URL 2) When the resource cannot be found | Check the API documentation to see if there are any errors in the endpoint URL. |
422 | When the retrieve or process request values are not the same as the specifications. 2) Invalid input value in the required field. | Check the API documentation to see if any required parameters are missing or if you input invalid values. |
429 | API calls from the client side have exceeded the limit. (40 times per minute.) | Try again later to reset the API request limits. |
500 | Internal server error, unknown error | Contact us via Cafe24 Developers. |
503 | Currently the server is down | Contact us via Cafe24 Developers. |
504 | Request timeout | A temporary error has occurred, causing response delays. Please try again later. |
1. Add search conditions
You can use search conditions by adding parameters to an endpoint.
If you want to use multiple search conditions, separate them with ampersands (&).
You can also specify a date and time if it is supported by the API you are using.
Add search conditions
E.g. Retrieve a store with a specific name
E.g. Retrieve a store with a specific name and properties
E.g. Retrieve products under a specific category
E.g. Retrieve products under a specific category and a store name
2. Use commas to search for more than one item
Use commas to search for data for more than one item. (You can search for up to 100 items in one query.)
The search conditions separated by commas are OR conditions; You can view all data corresponding to the conditions.
Use commas to search for more than one item
E.g. Retrieve stores with specific names
E.g. Retrieve products under a specific category or specific product names
3. Pagination
If there are too many results, you define the number of details returned in one response with the "limit" parameter.
If you are not able to view all details with the maximum value of the "limit" parameter, you can use the "offset" parameter.
E.g. When paging the details of 100 stores at a time
E.g. When paging the details of 100 products at a time
E.g. When retrieving details from the 201st to the 300th store
E.g. When retrieving details from the 201st to the 300th product
API Limit
dcollection APIs use Laravel throttle middleware to limit the API calls to 40 times per minute per IP.
A count will be deducted per request, and if your requests exceeds 40 times within a minute, then you will receive a 429 error (Too Many Requests Error).
Check the X-RateLimit–Limit and the X-RateLimit–Remaining in the Header to avoid 429 errors.
X-Api-Call-Limit : 1/40
Shops property list
Attribute | Description |
dcollection_ | Standard D.Collection store category |
store_ | Store ID |
shop_ | Store name |
shop_ | Shop (multi-language store) number |
shop_ | Primary domain of the store |
shop_ | Payment currency KRW : ₩ Korean won |
shop_ | Language of the store ko_KR : Korean |
shop_ | Popularity of the store black : Popularity score 90 or higher |
shop_ | Store's popularity by age teenager : Teens |
shop_ | Store's popularity by gender F : Female |
shop_ | Store's popularity by region Seoul |
shop_ | Store tag codes |
social_ | Social media channels connected to the store facebook : Facebook |
use_ | Check whether the store is using Cafe24 Pay true : Enabled |
use_ | Check whether the store is using Naver Pay true : Enabled |
use_ | Check whether the store is using Korean Post EMS true : Enabled |
shipping_ | Types of shipping fees offered by the store T : Free shipping |
benefits | Customer benefits offered by the store DP : Limited time discount |
global_ | Global payment services supported by the store AX : AXES |
created_ Date | Creation date of the store |
updated_ Date | Updated date of the store |
Retrieve a list of stores cafe24
GET /api/shops
Property | Description |
SCOPE | dcollection.read_shop |
Request Limit | 40 |
Parameter | Description |
dcollection_ | Standard D.Collection store category |
shop_ Array Max : [3] | Store name You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
store_ | Store ID |
shop_ Array Max : [3] | Shop (multi-language store) number You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
shop_ | Payment currency KRW : ₩ Korean won |
shop_ | Language of the store ko_KR : Korean |
shop_ | Popularity of the store black : Popularity score 90 or higher |
shop_ | Store's popularity by age teenager : Teens |
shop_ | Store's popularity by gender F : Female |
shop_ | Store's popularity by region Seoul |
shop_ Array Max : [10] | Store tags You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
use_ | Check whether the store is using Cafe24 Pay true : Enabled |
use_ | Check whether the store is using Naver Pay true : Enabled |
use_ | Check whether the store is using Korean Post EMS true : Enabled |
social_ | Social media channels connected to the store facebook : Facebook |
shipping_ | Types of shipping fees offered by the store T : Free shipping |
benefits | Customer benefits offered by the store DP : Limited time discount |
global_ | Global payment services supported by the store AX : AXES |
created_ Date | Start date value of store creation date |
created_ Date | End date value of store creation date |
limit Min : [1]~Max : [100] | Maximum number of search results DEFAULT 10 |
offset Min : [0]~Max : [5000] | Starting location of search results DEFAULT 0 |
sort | Value of sort order created_date : Store creation date |
order | Sort order asc : Ascending order |
Products property list
Attribute | Description |
dcollection_ | Standard D.Collection store category |
product_ | The unique key of a product |
shop_ | Store name |
store_ | Store ID |
shop_ | Shop (multi-language store) number |
shop_ | Popularity of the store black : Popularity score 90 or higher |
shop_ | Language of the store ko_KR : Korean |
shop_ | Payment currency KRW : ₩ Korean won |
product_ | Product name |
product_ | Product number |
product_ | Product code |
product_ | Product page URL |
product_ | Product status N : New |
price | Product price |
pc_ | Discounted price (PC order) |
mobile_ | Discounted price (Mobile order) |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for PC order discount true : Enabled |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for Mobile order discount true : Enabled |
pc_ | PC order discount rate |
mobile_ | Mobile order discount rate |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for free shipping true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether the product is eligible for international shipping true : Enabled |
international_ | Countries available for shipping |
is_ | Whether gift is provided true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether discount coupon is provided true : Enabled |
product_ | Product variant |
brand_ | Brand name |
product_ | Product standard tags supported on D.Collection |
product_ | Popular products by age group teenager : Teens |
detail_ | Detailed image URL |
list_ | List thumbnail URL |
tiny_ | Sidebar thumbnail image URL |
small_ | Gallery thumbnail URL |
review_ | Number of product reviews |
review_ | Rating of a product review |
hits_ | Page view count |
expiration_ Date | Validity period of the product |
created_ Date | Product creation date |
updated_ Date | Updated date of the product |
Retrieve a list of products cafe24
GET /api/products
Property | Description |
SCOPE | dcollection.read_product |
Request Limit | 40 |
Parameter | Description |
dcollection_ Required | Standard D.Collection store category |
product_ Array Max : [100] | The unique key of a product You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
shop_ Array Max : [3] | Store name You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
store_ | Store ID |
shop_ Array Max : [3] | Shop (multi-language store) number You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
shop_ Array Max : [4] | Popularity of the store You can search multiple item with ,(comma) black : Popularity score 90 or higher |
shop_ | Language of the store ko_KR : Korean |
shop_ | Payment currency KRW : ₩ Korean won |
product_ Array Max : [3] | Product name You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
product_ Array Max : [3] | Product number You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
product_ | Product status N : New |
price_ | Minimum value of product price range |
price_ | Maximum value of product price range |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for PC order discount true : Enabled |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for Mobile order discount true : Enabled |
pc_ | Minimum search value for discounted price (PC) |
pc_ | Maximum search value for discounted price (PC) |
mobile_ | Minimum search value for discounted price (Mobile) |
mobile_ | Maximum search value for discounted price (Mobile) |
pc_ | Minimum discount rate value for PC order discount rate |
pc_ | Maximum discount rate value for PC order discount rate |
mobile_ | Minimum discount rate value for mobile order discount rate |
mobile_ | Maximum discount rate value for mobile order discount rate |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for free shipping true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether the product is eligible for international shipping true : Enabled |
international_ | Countries available for shipping |
is_ | Whether gift is provided true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether discount coupon is provided true : Enabled |
review_ | Minimum value of the number of product reviews |
review_ | Maximum value of the number of product reviews |
review_ Min : [0]~Max : [5] | Minimum rating value for product reviews |
review_ Min : [0]~Max : [5] | Maximum rating value for product reviews |
brand_ | Brand name |
product_ | Product standard tags supported on D.Collection You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
product_ | Popular products by age group teenager : Teens |
created_ Date | Start date value of product creation date |
created_ Date | End date value of product creation date |
updated_ Date | Start date value of product updated date |
updated_ Date | End date value of product updated date |
limit Min : [1]~Max : [100] | Maximum number of search results DEFAULT 10 |
offset Min : [0]~Max : [5000] | Starting location of search results DEFAULT 0 |
sort | Value of sort order mobile_discount_price : Discounted price (Mobile order) |
order | Sort order asc : Ascending order |
Retrieve the number of product items cafe24
GET /api/products/count
Property | Description |
SCOPE | dcollection.read_product |
Request Limit | 40 |
Parameter | Description |
dcollection_ Required | Standard D.Collection store category |
product_ Array Max : [100] | The unique key of a product You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
shop_ Array Max : [3] | Store name You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
store_ | Store ID |
shop_ Array Max : [3] | Shop (multi-language store) number You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
shop_ Array Max : [4] | Popularity of the store You can search multiple item with ,(comma) black : Popularity score 90 or higher |
shop_ | Language of the store ko_KR : Korean |
shop_ | Payment currency KRW : ₩ Korean won |
product_ Array Max : [3] | Product name You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
product_ Array Max : [3] | Product number You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
product_ | Product status N : New |
price_ | Minimum value of product price range |
price_ | Maximum value of product price range |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for PC order discount true : Enabled |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for Mobile order discount true : Enabled |
pc_ | Minimum search value for discounted price (PC) |
pc_ | Maximum search value for discounted price (PC) |
mobile_ | Maximum search value for discounted price (Mobile) |
mobile_ | Maximum search value for discounted price (Mobile) |
pc_ | Minimum discount rate value for PC order discount rate |
pc_ | Maximum discount rate value for PC order discount rate |
mobile_ | Minimum discount rate value for mobile order discount rate |
mobile_ | Maximum discount rate value for mobile order discount rate |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for free shipping true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether the product is eligible for international shipping true : Enabled |
international_ | Countries available for shipping |
is_ | Whether gift is provided true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether discount coupon is provided true : Enabled |
review_ | Minimum value of the number of product reviews |
review_ | Maximum value of the number of product reviews |
review_ Min : [0]~Max : [5] | Minimum rating value for product reviews |
review_ Min : [0]~Max : [5] | Maximum rating value for product reviews |
brand_ | Brand name |
product_ | Product standard tags supported on D.Collection You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
product_ | Popular products by age group teenager : Teens |
created_ Date | Start date value of product creation date |
created_ Date | End date value of product creation date |
updated_ Date | Start date value of product updated date |
updated_ Date | End date value of product updated date |
Products standardtags
Retrieve a list of product tag properties cafe24
GET /api/products/standardtags
Property | Description |
SCOPE | dcollection.read_product |
Request Limit | 40 |
Parameter | Description |
limit Min : [1]~Max : [100] | Maximum number of search results DEFAULT 10 |
offset Min : [0]~Max : [5000] | Starting location of search results DEFAULT 0 |
Storeproducts property list
Attribute | Description |
dcollection_ | Standard D.Collection store category |
product_ | The unique key of a product |
shop_ | Store name |
store_ | Store ID |
shop_ | Shop (multi-language store) number |
shop_ | Popularity of the store black : Popularity score 90 or higher |
shop_ | Language of the store ko_KR : Korean |
shop_ | Payment currency KRW : ₩ Korean won |
product_ | Product name |
product_ | Product number |
product_ | Product code |
product_ | Product page URL |
product_ | Product status N : New |
price | Product price |
pc_ | Discounted price (PC order) |
mobile_ | Discounted price (Mobile order) |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for PC order discount true : Enabled |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for Mobile order discount true : Enabled |
pc_ | PC order discount rate |
mobile_ | Mobile order discount rate |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for free shipping true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether the product is eligible for international shipping true : Enabled |
international_ | Countries available for shipping |
is_ | Whether gift is provided true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether discount coupon is provided true : Enabled |
product_ | Product variant |
brand_ | Brand name |
product_ | Product standard tags supported on D.Collection |
product_ | Popular products by age group teenager : Teens |
detail_ | Detailed image URL |
list_ | List thumbnail URL |
tiny_ | Sidebar thumbnail image URL |
small_ | Gallery thumbnail URL |
review_ | Number of product reviews |
review_ | Rating of a product review |
hits_ | Page view count |
expiration_ Date | Validity period of the product |
created_ Date | Product creation date |
updated_ Date | Updated date of the product |
Retrieve a list of products with mall ID cafe24
GET /api/storeproducts
Property | Description |
SCOPE | dcollection.read_product |
Request Limit | 40 |
Parameter | Description |
store_ Required | Store ID You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
shop_ Array Max : [3] | Store name You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
shop_ Array Max : [3] | Shop (multi-language store) number You can search multiple item with ,(comma) |
product_ | Product name |
product_ | Product status N : New |
price_ | Minimum value of product price range |
price_ | Maximum value of product price range |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for PC order discount true : Enabled |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for Mobile order discount true : Enabled |
pc_ | Minimum search value for discounted price (PC) |
pc_ | Maximum search value for discounted price (PC) |
mobile_ | Minimum search value for discounted price (Mobile) |
mobile_ | Maximum search value for discounted price (Mobile) |
pc_ | Minimum discount rate value for PC order discount rate |
pc_ | Maximum discount rate value for PC order discount rate |
mobile_ | Minimum discount rate value for mobile order discount rate |
mobile_ | Maximum discount rate value for mobile order discount rate |
is_ | Check whether the product is eligible for free shipping true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether the product is eligible for international shipping true : Enabled |
international_ | Countries available for shipping |
is_ | Whether gift is provided true : Enabled |
is_ | Whether discount coupon is provided true : Enabled |
review_ | Minimum value of the number of product reviews |
review_ | Maximum value of the number of product reviews |
review_ Min : [0]~Max : [5] | Minimum rating value for product reviews |
review_ Min : [0]~Max : [5] | Maximum rating value for product reviews |
brand_ | Brand name |
product_ | Popular products by age group teenager : Teens |
created_ Date | Start date value of product creation date |
created_ Date | End date value of product creation date |
updated_ Date | Start date value of product updated date |
updated_ Date | End date value of product updated date |
limit Min : [1]~Max : [100] | Maximum number of search results DEFAULT 10 |
offset Min : [0]~Max : [5000] | Starting location of search results DEFAULT 0 |
sort | Value of sort order mobile_discount_price : Discounted price (Mobile order) DEFAULT mobile_discount_price |
order | Sort order asc : Ascending order DEFAULT asc |